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Presented by Adelaide Festival and Carclew, Create4Adelaide is a year-long, participatory project created by, with and for young people. It delves into important issues confronting young people in South Australia and beyond, asking them to explore the issues, solutions and more through an artistic lens across different art forms.

Create4Adelaide: 2024-2025 has started!

Our Create4Adelaide Youth Ambassadors have assembled a list of topics related to mental health. Young South Australians can now vote on the topics they think are most important. Those with the most votes will be chosen as the focus for Create4Adelaide workshops, resources and artworks, as well as an exhibition in the 2025 Adelaide Festival.

Vote now

About Create4Adelaide: 2023-2024

The 2023-2024 Create4Adelaide initiative invited young people to respond creatively to climate change, particularly three priorities chosen by young people: extinction of animals and plants, extreme weather events, such as floods and bushfires, and pollution of our air and waterways. The project included workshops and other creative engagement opportunities based on these themes and across artforms, culminating in an exhibition as part of the 2024 Adelaide Festival.

Any questions?

Please contact Caitlin Ellen Moore, Project Manager – Create4Adelaide, via email at



Thank you to our Create4Adelaide Partners

C4A is based on Create4Glasgow (C4G), a digital creative participatory project with and for young people, conceived by French company Sabir, delivered in partnership with Glasgow Education, Glasgow Life, with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies. The project was launched in 2021 to mark Youth Empowerment Day as part of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) held in Glasgow in November 2021.